Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Annie's art

Annie's Annuals seed packets are quite quite beautiful. They are usually watercolor or pastels I believe. The plants/flowers are drawn with care and are so pleasing to the eye. They exude a kind of old-fashioned air -reminiscent of gardens that thrived before OSH or Home Depot or Osmocote. They never fail to make me pause and enjoy the little art gallery they present. I'm not sure how well seed-packet art pays but it's nice to see the artists acknowledged on the covers.
They bear the common (or once common) names of the flower - often more evocative of the bloom than the latin version - lovely names that roll of the tongue - ladybells, Love-lies-a-bleeding, Venus' navelwort, Owl's clover. Strangely, Annie's website did not carry any of this artwork...I tried to find the closest thing in style as I could but I don't think it does it justice.

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