Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A bloomin' orchid!

I finally succeeded in having a Cymbidium orchid plant survive a whole year and even have blooms! My friend and neighbor Rema gave me this plant as a house warming present. It came in the usual weird wood chip-like medium. After a few weeks of looking after it, I just stuck it in a pot of soil and placed it on the patio - could not be bothered to buy more "orchid medium". It seemed to thrive and occasionally I'd feed it orchid food. The plant seemed healthy enough but I had no expectations about flowers. But this spring, it was a delightful surprise to see 3-4 long spires of yellow-maroon blooms....The blooms are long lasting - though,like all orchid blooms, each a bit weird looking! Gotta say though that orchids don't inspire the same poetry that does :)

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